20 Pretty Good Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson (Book Review)

Will the book Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson be worth your time? And does it have what it takes to help you get the right people to your website, social or other media channels? In this post you’ll get the answer to those questions aswell as a summary of most of the Ideas in the book and a personal review and rating, all in one. You could use the table of contents below to navigate around the post.
traffic secrets by russell brunson book cover
Russell Brunson Profile image

Table of Contents

Book Table of contents (Audiobook)

Opening Credits 00:01:14
Dedication 00:00:22
Foreword by Dean Graziosi 00:05:03
Preface 00:03:54
Introduction 00:14:19

Section One: Your Dream Customer 00:04:13
Secret #1: Who Is Your Dream Customer? 00:17:26
Secret #2: Where Are They Hiding? The Dream 100 00:27:27
Secret #3: Hook, Story, Offer, and the Attractive Character 00:09:28
Secret #4: Work Your Way In, Buy Your Way In 00:26:12
Secret #5: Traffic That You Own 00:18:07
Secret #6: Follow-Up Funnels 00:16:42
Secret #7: Infiltrating the Dream 100 00:30:36

Section Two: Fill Your Funnel 00:09:22
Secret #8: Fill Your Funnel Organically (Working Your Way In) 00:08:16
Secret #9: Fill Your Funnel with Paid Ads (Buying Your Way In) 00:19:46
Secret #10: Instagram Traffic Secrets 00:29:30
Secret #11: Facebook Traffic Secrets 00:33:53
Secret #12: Google Traffic Secrets 00:28:32
Secret #13: YouTube Traffic Secrets 00:21:44
Secret #14: After the Slaps and the Snaps 00:11:50
Secret #15: Conversation Domination 00:10:39

Section Three: Growth Hacking 00:02:48
Secret #16: The Funnel Hub 00:09:53
Secret #17: Other People’s Distribution Channels 00:10:59
Secret #18: Your Affiliate Army 00:15:54
Secret #19: Cold Traffic 00:14:24
Secret #20: Other Growth Hacks 00:06:41

Conclusion 00:03:32
Acknowledgments 00:04:23
About the Author 00:00:48

YouTube Summary

Attributes of The Book


Russell Brunson is the author of three big marketing books: DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets and Traffic Secrets. He also is the creator of courses the goal of which is to help entrepreneurs grow their business, but his most noteworthy achievement is the company Click Funnels, which grew to over 100.000.000$ within 3 years of it’s launch.
read more about Russell


Audio/Hardcover: 6h 58m/352 pages

Release Date

Released on 23.06.20

Decision Process

-Just like many of the other books it seemed one of the top, widespread books.
-I´m reading marketing books non-stop, so that contributed to not overthinking it.
-In addition I got interested In Russell, I saw him earlier on YouTube but had no Idea he was the founder of Click Funnels, I was really astounded as he looked 20 years old to me the first time I saw him.
– Also I have already committed on the YouTube channel about the next 3 books I was going to review after The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing summary, and this was one of them.


In his book Traffic Secrets Russell uncovers 20 different secrets in which he speaks about things like: How to leverage paid advertising, networking, how to build an emotional connection with your audience, a 6 step framework for mastering any media and other marketing “Hacks”. 

As he says throughout the book, his goal is to teach us how to fish, not give us fish, and so the Ideas in the book are made to be evergreen, meaning: They were mentioned because he thinks that they will be effective forever. 
Now let’s jump into the content itself.

Short Summary of each of the 20 secrets

Before I begin I’d like to say that this time I would not go into much detail on each secret, because I’m trying to overcome sticking to too much detail in order to get some more frequency with the blog posts and videos. If you’d like more detail in the next posts, let me know through the contact me button at the bottom of the site or in the comments.

Section One: Your Dream Customer

Secret #1: Who is your dream customer

As with every marketing book this book begins with the basic principle of creating an avatar of the dream customer, meaning the concrete detailed picture of the people we want to serve and why it is very Important to know who they are. He then explains how important it is to enter the conversation that actually goes on in their mind. This is the most basic step for every marketing activity.

Secret #2: Where Are They Hiding? The Dream 100

This concept was taken from a Book by Chet Holmes – The Ultimate Sales Machine.
The Idea is to explain to us that today there are groups and channels in which people gather in relation to their interests, and that’s exactly where we should find our dream customers, in the YouTube channels, Facebook groups, forums, blogs of our dream 100 influencers. Those places are  where all the people with the same interests go, and this way you know you are contacting people who are interested in your product, rather than just placing a roadside ad that turns to everyone .

Secret #3: Hook, Story, Offer, and the Attractive Character

Every funnel that exists consists of a Hook a Story and an Offer.
The Hook is for getting the initial attention of the prospect* and get them to see the story.
The Story is for speaking to their desires and gets them to see the Offer.
The Offer is the actual thing you’re offering and how much value it presents.
If your funnel doesn’t work, the source is in one of those 3 parts.
The attractive Character is the face of the brand with whom the audience will connect.

Secret #4: Work Your Way In, Buy Your Way In

This part explains how to get access to the channels of your dream 100, first by networking with them and having a good relationship and collaborating,
and second by buying ads in front of their audience.

Secret #5: Traffic That You Own

There are 3 types of traffic, traffic you control(Paid) traffic that you earn(Organic, social) and traffic that you own (Mostly Email).
Email is the only traffic you own, the others could be taken away from you at any time, that’s why if Russell were to choose one type of traffic it would always be this one.

Secret #6: Follow-Up Funnels

Follow-Up funnels are the ones you get your prospects into after the initial contact. In these funnels you educate them and offer them additional offers. The follow-up funnel begins only after the customer has gone through the initial funnel, made some kind of purchase, and left contact information.

Secret #7: Infiltrating the Dream 100

-Have your own distribution channel I.e. Social media, so that you would have something to give back to your dream 100, this way they’ll be willing to collaborate.
-Don’t lose your spirit if they deny interviewing you or collaborating, all you need to do is get one of them to agree, that will usually pave the road to more and more of them to work with you.

Section Two: Fill Your Funnel

Secret #8: Fill Your Funnel Organically (Working Your Way In)

Social media is not the place for promotion, instead you should give free value, and be the life of the party, and then people will be interested and look for more information about you, that’s the time and place for the offers.

Secret #9: Fill Your Funnel with Paid Ads (Buying Your Way In)

Your goal should be to at least break even at your front-end funnels (provide a small initial purchase, through which you’ll get the money you spent on ads back, and get leads. 
Also concentrate on Prospecting Ads* as well as Retargeting Ads*.

Secrets #10-13: Instagram, Facebook, Google, Youtube Traffic Secrets

Russell Shows us how to apply the 6 step framework he developed to get traffic on any platform and applies it to all the platforms, while showing us the relevant details in each platform. The steps are:
1. Understand the history and the goal
2. Find your Dream 100 on the platform
3. Identify the strategy and create your publishing plan on the plarform
4. Work your way in
5. Buy your way in
6. Fill your funnel

Secret #14: After the Slaps and the Snaps

Here he put’s an emphasis on the fact that platforms will have algorithm changes and will come and go, but this framework was made to work despite this. He then continues to show us the 6 steps applied to Podcasts on the Apple Podcasts directory.

Secret #15: Conversation Domination

This Secret is about how to integrate as many platforms as possible into our marketing efforts, though he emphasizes that first we should concentrate on 1 single platform until we have mastered it, and only then should we continue to other platforms.

Section Three: Growth Hacking

Secret #16: The Funnel Hub

Russell had lots of funnels that were scattered around the web, the problem was that it didn’t give lots of credibility for the formal media to mention him and also, that people who searched for terms related to his business could land on random pages, with no control, that’s when the Idea of a Funnel Hub* was born.

Secret #17: Other People’s Distribution Channels

Advice on leveraging other people’s email, facebook messenger, what to avoid and how to make and present your product in a way that will be attractive for them to promote.

Secret #18: Your Affiliate Army

One of the most powerful promotion techniques is leveraging the power of affiliates, this way you only pay if your product has been sold, and you get to leverage many lists and channels instead of just your own.
Russell explains here the steps we should go through to train affiliates, interest them in promoting, what to avoid, how much to pay them and more.

Secret #19: Cold Traffic

In DotCom Secrets Russell discussed traffic temperature.
There’s Hot Traffic*, Warm Traffic* and Cold Traffic*.
Engaging with cold traffic is for advanced brands, first you should master Hot and Warm, it should most definately be enough to get you beyond the 10 million, but if you want to go beyond 100 million, here Russell will explain tactics to master cold traffic.

Secret #20: Other Growth Hacks

Small tricks that could get you disproportionately tons of income if you add them to your funnels. For example Russell’s company made an option to add a “Built with Click Funnels” link at the bottom of each Click Funnel page, which was turned on by default and provided an affiliate comission to the page owner if someone joined clickfunnels. This resulted in an ongoing 1 million dollars per month revenue.


A personal point of view on the book

My experience of the book

So I’ve listened to the book in whole approximately 3 times I believe, and a lot more times repeating certain parts. From those listens I have assembled an opinion that the book is well presented, is good with examples, and I’m really looking forward to starting to Implement the principles in it, though one thing that I thought I should mention is that Russell advises to only use 1 platform, but I have started with 2, because that’s what the blogging book I read instructed me to, and therefor I’ll stick with 2, at least until the 90 posts mark.

5 Takeaways and their Application

1. YouTube Trailer

Even though I spoke about making a YouTube channel trailer in the YouTube Marketing book review the application of it slipped away from me, but now I can proudly say that the first version was posted according to the framework presented here. It still requires lots and lots of work, but it most definitely is better than a blank!

2. Dream 100 Network

I have opened a new mail and started subscribing to other blogs on my network aswell as deleted all of the channels that are unrelated from my subscriptions on YouTube and started subscribing to the dream 100 channel

3. Dream 100 Keywords

I started making a list of 100 search terms on google, though I still don’t know how to use it and be creative with the blog contents when I’m comitted to posting book reviews… Perhaps When I step up the pace of my posting I’ll have more spare time for posting posts that are better for SEO.

4. Ads Infront of Dream 100

Tried placing a YouTube video in front of the dream 100 audiences on YouTube, no success for now, but I’ll keep trying 🙂

5. Frequency Again

I should focus on speeding up my work, and publishing more often.
Though I picked this concept in This is Marketing by Seth Godin, I got reminded of it again here.


Narration - 19/20

Clarity of Speech

This rates whether he swallows words or not and how clearly we could hear and understand the words he is saying.


This rating is for whether there are any gulps, pauses, interruptions in the recording.
Many times he takes a breath between the words and when I noticed it, it bothered me, that’s why I’ll deduct one point here. Though most of the book I didn’t pay attention to it as I got my focus off of it.

Expressing Emotion

Whether the emotion is expressed with the ideas or he reads it blantly, the more emotion, the more it’s engaging, the higher the score.

Plot - N/a

As always a plot is not expected in a marketing book, and is not used here, though there is a certain basic order of presenting the Ideas which builds up in an orderly manner, but as there was not meant to be a plot I’ll leave it with no rating.

Heading distribution - 18/20

Mostly very good and helps understand the chapter’s contents, though secret 14 could have been just podcast traffic secrets, because he just explains the podcast secrets, but mentions that it could be applied to all media platforms which already exist aswell as those that don’t yet exist.
Besides that small remark I was able to recall, the contents and get a quick image of the chapter’s contents just by looking at the heading, unlike This is Marketing, which is already a sign that they’re well made, maybe except for secret 7 and 17 which I remembered a little worse.

Drive to Implicate - 16/20

Direct pushes to implicate

-A few times throughout the book Russell gives us exercises so that we could get more comfortable with the contents.
-He is prompting us to act by saying that if we were to pay him for coaching he would have us do this and that
-Repeated prompts to go back to some exercises and complete them, if we haven’t yet.

While there were quite a few direct pushes, but I feel like the book could have used even more. 

Visuals and Details for Execution

In some cases the Ideas are explained in a direct applicable manner I.E.
In the supplemental PDF, there’s a definite publishing plan for each of the 5 platforms that Russell presents in secrets 9-14, but simultaneously, there are other principles which only explain the general concept and require you to get Expert Secrets and Dotcom Secrets or make additional research to understand how to apply them fully. 

Examples - 20/20

There were enough examples, not too many in my opinion and not too little, there were no examples which I found not understandable or not transferring the point well. 20/20

Content - 16/20

As far as getting traffic, It is hard for me to rate the content, as I haven’t applied all of it, and therefor can’t vouch for it working or it’s significance. Anyway, from what it seems, it does not repeat itself, and give lots of value whether it be general knowledge or practical applications. Though I would like some parts of the book to be even more application oriented.

Final Rating - 89/100

Narration – 19/20 Plot – N/a Heading Distribution – 18/20 Drive to Implicate – 16/20 Examples – 20/20 Content – 16/20 Final Rating – 89/100 P.S. All the parameters got the same value as I believe they all affect the reading experience in the same manner more or less.


Russell’s Traffic Secrets was interesting to me, and has a few marketing concepts that I haven’t yet encountered, which makes it an important read, I believe that down the road I will also get his Expert and Dotcom Secrets, as there’s a lot of fuss about it, and also he presents the concepts here in a very clear and friendly manner.
Moreover, I have gotten 3 takeaways and 2 reinforcing takeaways, and that already means a lot, because in marketing, even one could be a game-changer.

P.S. Don´t forget you´re just 1 funnel away

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5 Marketing Mistakes for Entrepreneurs to Avoid

Acquisition Options for Traffic Secrets By Russell Brunson

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